Welcome to Online Learning

San Antonio College's Mission is to empower our community for success by meeting the postsecondary learning needs of a diverse and globally-networked society. To help students achieve their full potential by preparing them to graduate, transfer, or enter the workforce with effective critical thinking skills, communication proficiency, leadership ability, personal and civic responsibility, empirical and quantitative understanding, performance proficiency, and the ability to work effectively in teams.

Distance Learning 02

Welcome to online learning at San Antonio College

We understand life can be busy juggling family, work, and school.  Online learning ensures students reach their academic goals while remaining connected to their personal and professional lives.  San Antonio College offers multiple virtual resources for online learning.


Online Degree Programs Dynamic Course Search
     How to Access Online Resources

     Below are resources and support offered by San Antonio College to help you.   


Canvas for Students


     Paying My Tuition Tutoring      Technical Support for Online Learning 


     How to Prepare for Online Learning


Before enrolling in an online course or pursuing an online program, students should meet with an academic advisor.   

Getting Started                      

Online Learning Checklist

Orientation to Online Learning

Strategies for Success


     Contact Us


Student Privacy


Contact Us

Visit the Admissions and AID website
Visit the Welcome Center website 


Getting Started

Check Online Course Availability  View the Alamo Colleges online course offerings for a list of online courses. Distance courses are additionally listed on SAC Course Catalog together with all on-campus courses.
Apply for Admission  Students should first enroll at San Antonio College (SAC) to register for courses.  Follow the enrollment procedures on Admissions & Aid. 
Register for Classes Once you complete the enrollment procedures, you can register for classes via ACES.
Course Syllabi Syllabi from Fall 2013 to present are accessible through online syllabus, Alamo Colleges District syllabi delivery system. Visit the Course Syllabi page for more info.
Student Handbook and Acceptable Use Policy  Distance Learning Handbook | Student Handbook

Appropriate Use of Information Technology Resources
Training Workshops  Free technology training workshops are conducted each month for students needing assistance. The workshops are designed to familiarize students with the requisite skills to become a successful online learner. Access the Student Mega Lab for additional information.
Canvas   Canvas is a learning management system that enables faculty to manage and deliver online courses to students. Canvas is accessed through ACES by clicking on the MY COURSES tab and then on the course link.  For more info review the Canvas Student Quick Guide or visit our Instructure / Canvas page.
Library Services The San Antonio College Library offers both on-site and online resources.  For more information, select the Distance Learning link within our library website.
Testing/Proctoring In most cases, testing options are left up to the discretion of the course instructor and therefore your course may require on-site or proctored testing. 
Order Course Materials

Textbooks are available in-person or online at the College Bookstore. To purchase the latest computer equipment at an education discount, or for tech repairs and services, stop by the Ace Tech Store, Moody Learning Center 207. 

Get Involved

At San Antonio College we offer students many opportunities to get involved: Clubs and Organizations | College Radio: KSYM 90.1 FM 

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of Distance Learning courses are offered?

Online  - Course with 100% of instruction delivered via the Internet  

Hybrid/Blended  - Face-to-face (seated) course combined with required online assignments/tasks. Face-to-face meeting times will be determined by each department. Students who register for a hybrid or a blended course must have access to the Internet and be able to complete assigned course activities online in addition to meeting on scheduled class days.  


Web-Enhanced - Course is delivered face-to-face with a requirement that students have Internet access as a way to complete assigned tasks online.

Interactive Video Conferencing (IVC) - San Antonio College uses high quality interactive video and audio conferencing systems to connect to remote classrooms.  Instructors and students interact in a live video conference at scheduled times and locations.  Students will use push-to-talk microphones to communicate with participants at the remote sites. 

How does an online course work?

Students in online courses communicate with their instructor and classmates electronically via a course website. The instructor posts lectures, assignments, quizzes, announcements, lecture notes to the site. The class may respond with questions comments in discussion forums or upload assignments or quizzes.

Can anyone take an online course?

Online courses are designed for students who desire flexibility and convenience in their studies. All online courses are fully accredited and are considered equivalent to on-campus courses. Anyone who is eligible to take an on-campus course can enroll in an online course. Check course schedule for course offerings.

How much computer and internet experience do I need?

You must be able to navigate the internet and know how to download files, attach files, send email and use software such as word processors. If you feel that you may need more experience, visit the Student MegaLab at MLC 502 for assistance and workshops.

What should I have to take an online course?
  • Regular access to the Internet and a computer.
  • A recent version of a web browser such as Firefox or Microsoft Explorer.
  • An email address
  • Current word processing software (If required by the Instructor)
  • Basic computer skills
Will I be required to attend class meetings at the College?

This is determined by the course instructor. Some instructors’ have on-campus meetings and some do not. Please consult with the instructor. 

What is Canvas or an LMS?

Canvas is an internet based learning management system that supports e-learning. Alamo Colleges District currently uses Canvas to fully deliver some courses and as a supplemental delivery tool for other courses. Canvas is accessed via the “My Courses” tab within ACES. Most of our instructors use Canvas to communicate with their students. Please consult with your instructor about the tool they are using to deliver the course. Visit our Instructure / Canvas page for more information.

I don’t have a computer at home. Can I still take an online course?

Yes, as long as you have access to a computer that is connected to the Internet. Some students use computers where they work or attend school. 

Will I have to be online at a particular time?

This will depend on the instructor. Some instructors require students to be online at a particular time to take quizzes or to participate in lecture or chat sessions. Consult with the instructor for details.

What do I do if I cannot access my course online?

If for some reason you cannot access your course then email or contact your instructor. For technical issues, you can also contact our helpdesk at (210) 485-0555.

How are grades determined?

Instructors will describe policies on evaluation and assignment of grades for each class in the course syllabus. For specific questions on course procedures, grading scale, course requirements, contact your instructor.

Is a textbook required for an online course?

This will depend on the instructor. If the course requires a textbook, you must purchase the textbook before the course starts. Textbook costs are not included in tuition and fees. Contact our college bookstore to purchase the textbook. Information about the textbooks are included within the syllabus. 

Can I purchase Microsoft Office at a discount?

Students and teachers are eligible for a free copy of Office 365 Education, which includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and now Microsoft Teams, plus additional classroom tools. Sign up and download your free copy at: products.office.com/en-us/student/office-in-education 

The Alamo Colleges District academic software purchase site (http://alamo.onthehub.com) provides deep discounts on other popular software titles like Adobe Creative Cloud.

I have more questions. Who can I talk to?

Ask our Online Advising or contact our College Distance Education Office at sac-it@lqqqhuanbao.com or telephone 210-486-0030. The Distance Education office is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST Monday through Friday. We are here to help you.